Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Yes, I must admit that I, Rebecca Dalton, have now eaten bugs.The
worst part is that it wasn't even served by an African, but instead by
my sneaky American friends. We made teams and a schedule for cooking
dinner and we put Becky and Rachel together (what were we
thinking???). So they made this awesome chicken and fried rice that
everyone enjoyed and piled on their plates. Later, with full stomachs,
we were playing cards and someone made the innocent comment that "what
you don't know can't kill you". Rachel and Becky looked at each other
and started laughing and out came the story. Apparently you have to
wash your rice before you use it here, something they didn't realize,
because when they put the rice in the boiling water a ton of little
bugs floated to the top. Instead of taking out the rice and cleaning
it, they decided that was too much work, they kept cooking it and
served it to us without saying anything. They now call themselves team
extra fiber. For some reason, the leftovers never got eaten.

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