Monday, July 25, 2011


Every Sunday for the past few weeks we've been doing a little bible
study in one of the small villages outside of Yako. It's very
informal, we just sing, tell a story, make a craft or play a craft,
and then eat candy. The first week there were maybe 15-30 kids there,
all very shy. Unsure if the kids would continue coming or if they
would lose interest, I was surprised this week when we came to see a
mass of kids waiting outside. When they saw our car, they start
cheering and waving and running towards us. There were about 100 kids
there. Apparently it was a success last time (I think it was the
candy, if there's one thing I've learned from my mom it's the best way
to get people to like you is by feeding them). No matter what the
reason was, it was very cool to see how excited these kids were to see
us and learn about God. We are going back to Dorri tomorrow to do a
VBS and I am very excited to see what God will do for that village.

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